Elna, Hanna and Betty - the sisters in Katrinelund

The sisters grew up in Katrinelund, Stora Mellösa parish south of Örebro in the early 20th century. In a red painted wooden house surrounded by an orchard right by the lake Hjälmaren. Their father Anders Gustaf supported the family with his strawberry plantations and the fishing lease in Hjälmaren.

Elna my grandmother and especially her sister Hanna were very creative and productive when it came to all kinds of needlework. Embroidery of all kinds, especially in cross stitch, on tablecloths, napkins and pillows. Fantastic macrame works, hand-woven fabrics and crocheted rugs were among the works.

I have fortunately inherited a large part of these treasures and most of them ended up in Villa Fridhem where they fit in and have really found a home. At the same time, it has become a never-ending source of inspiration in my creation of the Fridhem Interior collection.

Marie designer and founder